Nebraska Becomes Tenth Compact Member

On April 19, 2022, Gov. Ricketts of Nebraska signed LB 752, which enacted the Interstate Counseling Compact into law in Nebraska. 

Nebraska is the 10th state to enter into the Compact, which has already been enacted in Alabama, Florida,  Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Mississippi, Utah and West Virginia. The Counseling Compact legislation specifies that the Compact will become active upon passage by the 10th member state. Over the next few months, the 10 member states will nominate their Commission delegates, and the Commission will officially convene its first meeting to draft the rules and bylaws of Compact.  

Once the commissioners agree upon rules and establish a method for Compact member states to share information, states will be able to grant Compact licenses and individuals residing in those states will be able to take advantage of the benefits the Compact offers. 

You can view the press release posted by the American Counseling Association on this landmark moment in the compact here